A lot of my clients tell me that they have a touch of imposter syndrome. Some are even brave enough to talk about their fear of failure. Others don't even want to be associated with those terms because conjure thoughts of weakness and insecurity that don’t at all align with my high-achieving, high-performing clients.
For my clients, imposter syndrome means that you have confidence in your capabilities, and you also have imposter stories that push you to do the unreasonable and erode your confidence.
Watch to learn more and see if you may have just a touch of imposter syndrome yourself.
Lucky for you, I have the cure! Set up a time to talk at www.victoriascottcoaching.com/schedule.
I’m Victoria Scott.
I’m a Leadership Coach.
I help my clients go from feeling like Imposters to knowing they are strong, confident Leaders.
If any of the things I mentioned in the video sound familiar, you may have just a touch of imposter syndrome yourself.
If you're ready to find out how much better life could be without it, schedule a time to talk with me today at www.victoriascottcoaching.com/schedule.