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Work with Me

Private Coaching for Individuals

When you invest in yourself, we focus on your priorities and goals – specifically designed for you, at your own pace, with unparalleled support from me as your coach.


What's possible? Unlimited results.


A Prep-work questionnaire and assessments to help us build awareness about your typical thought processes and reactions in various situations, as well as your goals and why you have chosen them. Many of my clients are so busy and stressed that they've become out of touch with themselves, so this understanding and awareness is critical to building effective change.


Regularly scheduled private coaching sessions where we'll dive deeply into where you are, where you want to go, and what's truly in your way so we can build the right strategies, skills, and actions to move forward, instead of repeating patterns that aren't working.


Ongoing support between sessions through email, text message, and the occasional "spot" coaching session. 


Customized exercises designed to maximize your progress outside of sessions so you make more progress, more quickly.


A powerful 2-hour ELI Assessment session to help us uncover your typical thoughts, feelings, and reactions normally versus when you're under stress. We then identify triggers, tools, and strategies in order to decrease both your stress and its impact on you.

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment™

Level up your emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and confidence while reducing your stress with an ELI Assessment.
This powerful two-hour session helps you understand how you typically react stress, so you can level up your leadership.


Level up your emotional intelligence and self-awareness


Find new opportunities to maximize your strengths


Understand your usual reactions and the thinking behind those reactions


Uncover your stress triggers and reactive behaviors


Gain insight into how stress and your thinking are limiting your potential


Gain the power to take control of your reactions and neutralize your weaknesses


Increase your confidence while reducing your stress


One of my clients called the ELI their favorite part of working with me because it is so powerful!

Beautiful Landscape

Did you find what you were looking for?

If you saw something that was just what you were looking for or close to it, let's talk!

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