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Top Confidence Challenges

These are the top challenges I work with my client on so that they can lead with confidence.​


Imposter Syndrome & Self-Doubt

Does this sound like you? You're in the job you thought you wanted, but instead of feeling good about it, you worry that you're not measuring up. You may have a bit of imposter syndrome. It feels like this: You second guess yourself and wonder, "Is it me? Am I the problem?"


You know you’ve got skills, but self-doubt is destroying your confidence. You just want to feel better at work.​

I help people go from feeling as if they're imposters to knowing they are confident leaders. Check out my YouTube playlist on Imposter Syndrome to learn more and sign up for the waitlist for my next mini masterclass on how to overcome imposter syndrome here.


Time Management

Do you ever wish you could create more hours in the day to give yourself more time to take care of all your responsibilities? Do you know you need to delegate and train your people but you're too busy to even think about how to start? If so, you, like most of my clients, might want some help with time management.


Stress Management

You feel pressure to do more at work, more at home, more for others. You do a lot for other people because you truly care about them and helping out feels good. But you feel like you're not doing enough and it's stressing you out. I help you uncover your stress triggers and relieve some of that pressure.


Communication & Presence

It's hard to present your best self and communicate clearly when you feel like an imposter who needs more time to do more. Once you relieve some of that stress, you'll see yourself, other people, and situations more clearly – they're called "blindspots" for a reason. I help you take back your power to choose the actions that serve you best in each situation and keep focused, even when you're triggered.

"From coaching, I uncovered blind spots in myself and some of my approaches with my team that I can proactively address."


Challenging Situations

My clients are caring people who want to help. Of course you're going to find situations where you anticipate conflict or the possibility of disappointing someone to be challenging. I help you bring your personal values into any conversation, approach conflict constructively, and apply all the experience that you already have (but aren't giving yourself enough credit for) to new challenges. We've got this!

"Coaching gave me a different perspective for dealing with different situations, e.g. effectively presenting, presenting up, and dealing with competing priorities and teams."

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