I was recently inspired to create my first video: Good Manager vs. Bad Manager: Employee Concerns. In this video, you will watch a "Bad Manager" discuss an employee's concerns, and you will watch a "Good Manager" have the same conversation with a very different outcome. I'm hoping that the video can provide a little humor and some awareness.
Just about anyone who has managed people has made some "bad manager" choices along the way! Maybe we were modeling our own managers, under stress, or just didn't know there was a better way to do things. It's a reminder to all managers that being a good manager takes work, and that we can always make better choices.
I think anyone who has ever had a manager has had some "bad manager" behavior directed at them and remembers how it made them feel - maybe small, helpless, detached, worthless, stupid, or even angry. If you've felt this way, I hope you can feel validated knowing that maybe your manager is the problem and it's not you.
If you see yourself in the "Good Manager", good for you! The "good manager" behavior is just the beginning on the path to becoming a leader.
If you are under stress, encountering difficulties in your job, or want to grow as a leader, I can help you no matter what role your is and no matter what your goals are.
If you liked this video and want to see more, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and please remember to like and share this video.
Does this resonate with you? Subscribe to www.victoriascottcoaching.com/subscribe to get copies of my free guides, 5 Signs You're Working for a Bad Manager and 5 Steps to Your Next Career This Year.
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