This is probably the most important tip because setbacks and changes will be thrown your way all the time so adjusting in the moment is critical.
What if you’ve used all my tips and planned out your day but now three fires just got dumped on your desk that you need put out and that’s totally going to derail your day. You’re stressed out and maybe even angry. What now?
What now indeed. How about what an opportunity! This is the perfect time to use all those tips rapid-fire style in the moment! Time to reframe your thinking and roll up your sleeves.
Let go of thinking that you need to complete your whole list and plus these three new priorities. Your priorities just got reprioritized for you so that part is done.
How will you get the fire-handling in motion? What needs to happen next? Does it need to be done specifically by you? Can someone get started and you can check in on them later? Does anyone need training who will benefit from participating?
This is a great opportunity to break free from the perception that’s just been laid at your feet. Maybe you don’t want to approach this situation through the lens of stress and anxiety. Maybe instead you want to look at the big picture, put things in perspective, and realize that you will get through this. Do you want to do it in a way that empowers and motivates people, in a way that leverages teamwork and builds morale, in a way that even feels a little fun and exciting? Or in a way to has everyone on edge, blaming each other? Remember your power of choice.
Once you’ve got the fire-handling in motion, check back on your list. Is there anything that absolutely needs to be done today? Can it be delegated? Can it be rescheduled? Can you save the list in its entirety for tomorrow? What feels right?
In my experience, the worst thing you can do is over-react. I remember watching the executives freak all the time over basically nothing. Not only did their over-reaction affect how everyone else felt (I personally found it draining), but it also caused them to make a lot of poor decisions.
The situation all comes down to perception – if you perceive a problem, there one will be. You can choose to perceive a challenge, a solution, a learning experience instead. You can model the energy that will help other people.
Still feeling stuck on the old plan? Remember that a plan is just a guide, something to focus us. Plans are meant to be changed as new learning is applied and new things happen. You created the plan, so build on that success and realize that you can handle this too.
If this is something you find yourself struggling with regularly, maybe it’s time to reach out for a coaching consult.
I’ll be back tomorrow with another tip.