If you’ve ever worked in a toxic job, you likely have experienced the lingering effects of it. The “rules” you learn to follow – how to behave and stifle yourself in order to survive. Mine come and go and last week was a standout moment. I was sick and I was sick enough that I knew I should reschedule my appointments. Besides taking care of myself, I wasn't in the right headspace to serve my clients.
As I began to contact my first client of the day, I panicked. I was feeling phantom anxiety from when I needed to call out sick from a toxic job. The kind where you feel extreme guilt, as if you're letting everyone down for allowing yourself to become susceptible to illness.
You may ask yourself:
"Am I sick enough?"
"How do I word my message to justify my decision and avoid backlash?"
"What punishment will be waiting for me when I'm back?"
I recall vividly my supervisor requiring me to alert her the evening before if my pregnancy would cause me to have morning sickness the next day. Unfortunately, they were also the head of the HR department.

My thoughts weren't rational. They were lingering effects of a toxic job.
That's what toxic workplaces to do. Ironically, the things that make a workplace toxic are also likely to impact employees' health and ability to fend off illness. Those triggers are still with me despite having worked for myself for 4 years now, and that's probably the mildest example.
I'm so proud that now, as a Coach, I've been able to help many clients leave unhealthy workplaces for something better. No one deserves to work in a place that's detrimental to their health.
Have you ever worked in a toxic job? I'd love to hear the lingering effects of a toxic job you still experience. Comment or message me privately to share.
If you're ready to empower yourself and lead with confidence, schedule a 90-minute confidence catalyst session with me to work on one challenge in your job. If you're not sure where to even get started and need some clarity, schedule a 2-hour ELI with me. Or schedule a time to talk about other options to work with me.